Government stabbed cedi in the back by quoting affordable housing project in dollars – CenPOA

The Executive Director of the Centre for Public Opinion and Awareness (CenPOA), Michael Donyina Mensah, believes the government’s affordable housing projects are not affordable. He claimed that these projects are purely commercial ventures undertaken by the government and its partners rather than an affordable housing initiative as promoted. For him, affordable should imply that the people you intend to sell the houses to are those who can afford them.

“People who have the resources to build their own houses don’t need affordable housing,” he says. Those who are wealthy do not require it. I believe that affordable housing has been designed for the average worker. But the average Ghanaian worker cannot afford it. Examine the studio apartments for sale and their prices. An average worker who wants to buy a $13,000 flat would need to save Ghc1000 per month for ten years before he or she could afford the house.”

On Rainbow Radio 87.55FM’s Frontline, with host Kwabena Agyapong, he was asked how many average workers in Ghana can afford these houses. Click here to read more on GhanaWeb.

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